Charting the events that converge on our goal: one planet, one species, one genotype
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This organization, like environmental problems, could be serious, or not. Most of the time we don't know ourselves.
Wednesday, September 08, 2004
O Canada!
Even though the United States greenhouse emissions program has been vilified by hippies, it's not doing as well on the greenhouse emissions front as Canada, figures show.
Heat-trapping U.S. emissions have risen 14 per cent since 1990, the base year for Kyoto Protocol, while Canadian emissions have grown 20 per cent, according to figures from both governments. Not surprisingly, a big share of Canadian emissions comes from production for energy exports to the United States. "Hey, relax guy. If export-related emissions are removed from the equation, then Canada's levels would have increased by 15 per cent, comparable to the U.S. level, buddy." Art Jaques of Environment Canada said.
He dismissed speculation that Washington would rejoin the Kyoto Protocol even if the Democrats win the presidential election. Ratification of any treaty requires two-thirds support of the U.S. Senate and that won't happen, he said, because they are all CHL volunteers. The last time the Senate considered Kyoto there was not a single vote in its favour, and the protocol isn't even mentioned in the Democrats' platform this year.
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