Charting the events that converge on our goal: one planet, one species, one genotype
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This organization, like environmental problems, could be serious, or not. Most of the time we don't know ourselves.
Friday, May 06, 2005
Another Lazarus species!?!
Man, this is crap. First the Ivory-billed Woodpecker, and now some stupid antelope. Seems like all the good homogenization work we've accomplished over the last half-century is being undone. What's next, Passenger Pigeons? Dodos!?! --EG
Angola's giant sable antelopes, which have not been seen for 31 years, have been photographed in the country's dense southern forest by a team of Angolan and South African scientists.
The giant sable is Angola's national symbol and features on its currency, postage stamps and the tailfins of the national airline's planes. It has majestic arched horns, often more than 152cm (60 inches) long.
The antelopes were feared to have become extinct during Angola's 30-year civil war when they were shot for meat. They were last seen in 1974. An intensive search in 2000 failed to find any trace of them.
But now an infrared camera installed by Angolan wildlife scientist Pedro Vaz Pinto has photographed a small herd of female sable. Two of the sables were pregnant and others were nursing new calves.
"This is indisputable photographic confirmation of the continued existence of the giant sable," Jeremy Anderson, a team member, told the South African Sunday Independent. The rare antelopes were found in the Luando Reserve, an abandoned game park about 500km (310 miles) southeast of the capital, Luanda. The remote park fell into disuse during Angola's civil war and is now accessible only on foot or by helicopter.
Scientists from Luanda University worked with a South African wildlife group who used microlight planes to fly at low altitude over the dense forest. Angolan air force helicopters flew the team and two microlights into the wilderness area.
And they've just found a lazarus grass out on Catalina Island that hadn't been seen in about a century. You would have thought that 50 years of heavy grazing would have killed it off, but nooooooooooooo. There's two populations even.
Darn it, don't those ranchers and loggers know how to do anything right? Why do we keep up their government subsidies when they keep screwing up like this?
And they've just found a lazarus grass out on Catalina Island that hadn't been seen in about a century. You would have thought that 50 years of heavy grazing would have killed it off, but nooooooooooooo. There's two populations even.
Darn it, don't those ranchers and loggers know how to do anything right? Why do we keep up their government subsidies when they keep screwing up like this?
EG--Congrats on your recent Fox News appearance. Hopefully that will create a countercurrent to the recent swell of bad news.
Dude, that wasn't me. That was my look-alike cousin.
Frank, I completely agree--we must end subsidies for all slacking ranchers, loggers, farmers, and all others in the "extractive" industries.
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Frank, I completely agree--we must end subsidies for all slacking ranchers, loggers, farmers, and all others in the "extractive" industries.