Charting the events that converge on our goal: one planet, one species, one genotype
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This organization, like environmental problems, could be serious, or not. Most of the time we don't know ourselves.
Friday, May 07, 2004
Bad news from Michigan
According to a report on CNN today, the gray wolf population in Michigan's Upper Peninsula has exceeded 200 for the fifth consecutive year, a milestone that likely will bump the animal from the endangered species list. CHL volunteers nearly wiped this species out in Michigan, but now the wolf is continuing its remarkable counterstrike against us that began in 1989 when three of the animals established a territory in the western Upper Peninsula. The wolf population rose from 321 last year to more than 360 this year. The only upshot is that we may once again have a chance to hunt and trap them back to extinction soon.
Wisconsin's wolf population is on a similar trajectory. It will be a somber weekend for the CHL.
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