Charting the events that converge on our goal: one planet, one species, one genotype
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This organization, like environmental problems, could be serious, or not. Most of the time we don't know ourselves.
Thursday, May 27, 2004
Make the U.S. Tax Cuts Permanent!
On 14 May 2004 we highlighted some of the benefits of terrorism and the war in Iraq. World Bank President James Wolfensohn noted that philanthropists in rich nations are backing away from long-term projects designed to curb poverty and protect the environment, saying they were "looking at the immediate problems and taking their eyes off the long-term problems. You have a preoccupation with crisis at the moment, and in a way, development and environment have been pushed to the back burner."
It is not just philanthropists, as governments are following their lead. U.S. Army garrison commanders worldwide are now being told to drop some environmental protections and cut all temporary employees so the savings can be shifted elsewhere because of the war on terrorism. According to a May 11 memo obtained by The Associated Press, Army Maj. Gen. Anders Aadland wrote that the Army will now "take additional risk in environmental programs; terminate environmental contracts and delay all non-statutory enforcement actions" until after the new fiscal year begins in October.
Super Sweet!!
President Bush and Congress have so far provided $191 billion for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and defensive military operations at home, on top of the regular defense budget. When the stupid dope-smoking hippies ask how we can have tax cuts and increased federal expenditures and protect the environment, laugh at them and tell them to get with the CHL program.
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