Charting the events that converge on our goal: one planet, one species, one genotype
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This organization, like environmental problems, could be serious, or not. Most of the time we don't know ourselves.
Thursday, May 20, 2004
Noteworthy Volunteers: The Sudanese People's Liberation Army
The Sudanese People's Liberation Army is in the process of delivering the death blow to the Northern White Rhino. With only 25 or so remaining in the wild, they are being eliminated by poaching for their horns. All remaining white rhinos all live in the Garamba National Park, a United Nations World Heritage Site on the northern border of the Democratic Republic of Congo with Sudan. The Sudanese People's Liberation Army has been fighting for 20 years for autonomy for the mainly Christian and animist south.
Kes Hillman-Smith, a coordinator of the Garamba National Park project, said poaching had increased as Sudanese rebels said to be from the area of conflict around Darfur hunt down the rhinos for their valuable horns and tusks to buy weapons.
Ever hear ecologists talk about ecosystem services? Here is another one. We can convert biodiversity into weapons. We at the CHL believe that this is one of the best and highest uses of biodiversity. We'll be down to one species in no time!
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