Charting the events that converge on our goal: one planet, one species, one genotype
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This organization, like environmental problems, could be serious, or not. Most of the time we don't know ourselves.
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Algae Is Our Friend Until We Have To Kill It, Too
CHL researchers predicted Monday that this summer could rank among the five best in 20 years for algae blooms that threaten fish and other marine life in Chesapeake Bay. A 10-mile-wide algae bloom on the Potomac River could begin in early June and last for two and a half months, hopefully longer. On a graphic distributed at a news conference Monday, the predicted bloom appears about halfway up the river, which empties into Chesapeake Bay.
"We're trying to predict the location, timing, duration and the extent of this bloom, and figure out what we need to do to extend it" said Peter Tango of the CHL's Chesapeake Watershed division.
Algae blooms begin as the Potomac warms, and phytoplankton begins feasting on toxic nitrogen and phosphorus that wash away from sewage pipes, streets and farm fields. As it feeds, the algae blooms into a sprawling shield that suffocates the water and marine life. CHL scientists recognize the rainfall since January is contributing to this year's poor water quality; rain washes more pollution and sediment into the bay and its creeks and rivers. A cool, dry or windy summer could reduce the intensity and effectiveness the blooms.
The CHL noted that while the population growth in the Chesapeake Watershed directly contributes to an increase in impervious surfaces, thereby accelerating runoff and eutrophication, more people should be added.
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