Charting the events that converge on our goal: one planet, one species, one genotype
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This organization, like environmental problems, could be serious, or not. Most of the time we don't know ourselves.
Saturday, May 29, 2004
CHL to Abrupt Climate Change: Bring it on!
NF and I saw The Day After Tomorrow last night and let me tell you--we were blown away. We cheered with delight as a massive wall of water crashed through Manhattan. We squealed with glee as tornadoes tore L.A. to shreds. And during the final climactic scene where we see from space that a new glacier covers Canada and the northern half of the U.S., we broke down and shed child-like tears of pure, utter joy.
We at the CHL have been inspired by this, the pinnacle of cinematic achievement. Today we pledge to redouble our efforts to increase the pace of global climate change. We will settle for nothing less than half of the worlds land masses covered in a sheet of mile-thick ice. There are some who would question the scientific validity of the grand events we witnessed. To these nay-sayers and evil doers we say, do not misunderestimate our resolve, for we will persevere. And to abrupt climate change we say bring it on!
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