Charting the events that converge on our goal: one planet, one species, one genotype
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This organization, like environmental problems, could be serious, or not. Most of the time we don't know ourselves.
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
Leonardo DiCaprio: Stupid Hippie Asshole!
"To me the question of the environment is more ominous than that of peace and war. I'm more worried about global warming than I am of any major military conflict." UN Weapons Inspector and Hippie Asshole Hans Blix, March 14, 2003
Wasn't it awesome when Kim Jong Il fed Hans Blix to the sharks in Team America: World Police? I hate stupid hippie assholes who are "worried" about global warming. It was recently brought to my attention that Leonrdo DiCaprio set up a foundation to combat global warming. What an asshole! I urge all CHL volunteers to boycott all of his films and to bad-mouth him whenever anyone starts talking about bad actors. Are there any CHL computer geeks out there who can launch a Denial of Service attack on his website?
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